티스토리 뷰
Many people think that exercising increases physical strength and health along with muscles. However, muscle mass and health are not directly proportional.
It can increase the incidence of bumpy muscular bodies, kidneys and cardiovascular diseases.
Bodybuilders develop musculoskeletal properties that surround the innermost bundle of source fibers. Musculoskeletal properties are larger and thicker than thin source fibers, so volume changes are also greater as muscle mass increases. The method of increasing muscle mass is also different from that of ordinary people. Muscles cannot withstand muscle fibers and the surface is torn when they hit the limit of weight or strength that can withstand them. If you rest, the wound recovers, but the bodybuilder exercises without a break when it hurts. This is because torn muscle fibers become thicker and bulky in the process. A common example is Popeye's kernel. Popeye's symbol, which boasts a muscular body, is a bulging kernel. It is used as a symbol of power in cartoons, but medically, it is a phenomenon that occurs when the upper part of the upper limb is torn apart and dried down. In other words, it is a muscle rupture. In fact, there are many people who suffer from side effects of rupturing or stretching muscles while building them too hard.
There are other problems. According to a research team at the Deconis Medical Center in Boston, young women can cause menstruation and infertility if they excessively lose body fat to grow muscle volume and increase the incidence of osteoporosis.
There are also reports that excessive intake of protein, such as insisting on a high-protein diet such as chicken breast to build muscles or taking excessive protein supplements, can increase low-density cholesterol (LDL), causing hyperlipidemia, blood circulation disorders, heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Studies also show that muscles surrounding blood vessels can be excessively developed and cause pressure on blood vessels, which can adversely affect blood vessel health.
Experts explain that it can also strain the liver and kidneys. In fact, Seoul National University Hospital monitored 43,503 people who had medical checkups for 12 years and found that those with too much muscle mass had abnormal symptoms in uric acid and liver function, which in turn increased the risk of death.
A lot of muscle mass is not necessarily good or healthy.
Muscle exercise, essential for older people
Muscle strength is necessary regardless of age as the basis for physical strength, but it is especially important for older people. Muscle strength increases to 30 years old, then gradually decreases to about 10 percent by 50, and then to 50 percent by 80. As muscle strength decreases, the basal metabolic rate decreases, causing obesity, and blood can cause blood circulation problems or increase the risk of cardiovascular disease as the pumping of muscles sent throughout the body weakens.
However, if you exercise your muscles steadily, you can increase your muscle mass by about 30 percent. As the nervous system's ability also improves, joint flexibility increases and blood cholesterol levels decrease, so does blood vessel health. A five-year follow-up study of those aged 65 or older also showed that groups with high muscle masses saw a 29 percent drop in mortality from those who did not. The death rate from cardiovascular disease was also 31 percent lower, the report showed.
Muscle exercise is enough at home. They range from lifting and lowering the heel with dumbbells to sitting knee-high with legs shoulder-wide, standing down, lying down and raising your arms behind your neck, lifting your torso with your arms folded behind your neck, and using your knees and arms. The time should be 30 minutes, at least 10 to 15 times per move. However, it is recommended to jog lightly for about five minutes before exercising or stretch to raise your body temperature and relax your muscles before starting muscular exercise. Exercise is done right before meals, and if you eat high-protein foods such as fish within 30 minutes of finishing exercise, muscle synthesis is helpful.
The bumpy muscular body is actually closer to the concept of appearance than to the purpose of building up physical strength or muscle strength. In fact, it is hard to say that the method is healthy in that it intentionally damages muscles and increases volume. But muscle strength is necessary. It is also important when I work with concentration from my daily life, such as walking, sitting and running on my own.
Written by Lee Hwa-young, a science columnist
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