티스토리 뷰
Up to 100,000 won in fines for not wearing masks on buses and hospitals starting next month.
Enforcement of the 'Mask Mandatory Administrative Order'...after 30 days of guidance
Cover your nose and mouth with a mask for health, surgery, and non-horse blocking.
Starting next month, a fine of up to 100,000 won will be imposed on buses and hospitals for violating the "administrative order to make them mandatory to wear masks."
Places where people are obliged to wear masks vary depending on the stage of distance-keeping, but public transportation, the site of rallies and demonstrations, medical institutions with many vulnerable people, nursing facilities, and day-to-day protective facilities must wear masks regardless of the stage of distance-keeping.
However, those under the age of 14 and those who are medically unable to wear masks will not be subject to fines.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the "detailed measures to impose fines for making it mandatory to wear masks" to a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters held on Friday.
The Act on Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases (hereinafter referred to as the Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases) will take effect on the 13th, which will allow fines to be imposed if they violate orders to comply with quarantine guidelines, such as wearing masks, at multi-use facilities that are feared to infectious diseases.
Under the revised Infectious Disease Prevention Act, the Minister of Health and Welfare, the Director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Mayor/Governor or the Mayor/head of the Gun/Gu may issue executive orders requiring the wearing of masks for the required period of time, and if they know these measures, they may be fined.
Accordingly, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come up with detailed measures to impose fines after consulting with related ministries and local governments to ensure the effectiveness of the regulations.
The executive order, which mandates wearing masks, applies differently depending on the level of distance and the risk of facilities.
For example, in the first stage of social distance, 12 facilities, including entertainment bars, can be ordered to wear masks. In the second stage of streetkeeping, additional applications will be applied to small and medium-sized hagwons, arcades and religious facilities with less than 300 employees.
Facilities and locations subject to fines can be adjusted by local governments in consideration of the Corona 19 trend.
However, it is mandatory to wear masks at public transportation, medical institutions with many vulnerable people, nursing facilities, and day and night protection facilities, which are feared to spread infection by an unspecified number of people.
Specifically, public transportation workers such as ▲ buses, subways and taxis, ▲ host of mass rallies, attendees, ▲ medical institutions, ▲ users, ▲ nursing facilities, day and night protection facilities, and workers who take care of users.
The type of mask recognized when worn is recommended by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for health, surgery and non-horse-blocking masks authorized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as "medical products."
A cloth mask and disposable mask that can cover the mouth and nose are also available if inevitable.
However, even if you wear such a mask, you can be fined if you don't use it properly, such as not covering your mouth and nose completely.
In addition, covering the face with mesh-type masks, valve-type masks and scarves that are feared to release infectious agents when breathing is not clearly proven, is not recognized as wearing masks.
However, if it is difficult to wear a mask, it will be exempt from fines even if an order is issued to make it mandatory to wear it.
First of all, this is the case for those under 14.
Those with developmental disabilities who wear and take off masks on their own without help from others or those who have medical opinions that it is difficult to breathe when wearing masks are also exempt from fines.
Medical activities such as washing face, eating food, and surgery are not subject to fines even when they have to show their faces, such as sign language interpreters, photography, broadcasting appearances, performances, ceremonies, and identification.
The revised anti-infectious disease law will take effect on July 13, but it will go through a 30-day guidance period until April 12. As a result, a fine of up to 100,000 won will be imposed if violations are detected from the 13th of next month.
During the guidance period, intensive guidance and inspection of wearing masks will be conducted by each local government. In addition, each local government may adjust the guidance period.
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